Finding Professional Fulfillment: The Power of Pursuing Your Passion in Work

My dear people, I am inspired by the interview I had today.

Currently, I am looking for a person with specific work experience in a particular industry. The job is very demanding and responsible. I met a person who speaks about this job with so much love, actually about their calling. Yes, there is a big difference between finding your calling and a job. We spend most of our day and energy at work. If any of us do a job we don’t love, which isn’t our calling – we feel tired first, then dissatisfied, and then we think about a change/resignation or wait to be fired. I’ve seen all the options during my many years of experience working with people. However, after that experience, we often end up in the same position, afraid to try something new, thinking that other people and a new environment will make us happy. No, in a few months or sooner, we find ourselves back in the same cycle that starts with tiredness and a bad state. After two decades of experience, I encourage people I meet to find their calling and their true path. People who do what they love are healthier, happier, more creative, and find solutions more easily. They encourage the environment and create a good atmosphere at work. They don’t have a stomach ache every morning when they go to work; “they don’t hate Sunday because of Monday” and so on. No matter how complex the position is, people who have a calling do their job with ease. It’s delightful to watch them. I can add from practice that there are also employers who have started a business on the foundations of their calling and passion. I believe that such organizations are more successful and healthier than those who started entrepreneurship with calculation and without real love for that business.

To return to the candidate from the beginning of the story, the interview ended with the sentence, as she says her motto: “Do what you love and you won’t work a day.”

I advocate that there is always a solution. Sometimes we reach the solution easily, and sometimes it takes more analysis, courage, and above all, persistence. Everyone can come to the conclusion of what their calling is. I highly recommend that you take care of yourself; it really is worth it and makes a big difference in the quality of life. Set aside time for yourself and for this topic – it’s important. If we have been feeling stuck and/or dissatisfied with the job we are currently doing for a long time, it’s a sign that it’s time for a change. Let’s wisely choose our new change. A genuine passion for work can bring not only satisfaction at a professional level but also positive effects on personal life. When we do what we love, it not only makes us happier but also motivates us to be better at what we do.

Understanding our passions and searching for a calling that fulfills us can be crucial for living in line with our own values and goals. Change can be daunting, but my message aims to encourage people to recognize their inner strength and courage to pursue the path that truly fulfills them.

I believe that someone will be inspired to reconsider their professional paths and embark on a quest for their true calling.

I wish you all the success.


Author: Katarina Stamenković HR Consultant
