Evil People Exist, and the Problem Is That They Are Ambitious
“Give a man power, and you’ll see what he’s truly like.” Of course, this cruelty in people isn’t a product
“Give a man power, and you’ll see what he’s truly like.” Of course, this cruelty in people isn’t a product
„Daj čoveku vlast, da vidiš kakav je.“ Naravno, ova okrutnost u ljudima nije tekovina novog doba. Rekla bih da ona
If you’ve decided to venture into entrepreneurship, I have some useful advice for you (since I’ve also completed an entrepreneurship
Ako ste odlučili da se otisnete u preduzetničke vode, imam za vas nekoliko korisnih saveta (jer sam, u međuvremenu, završila
Nepisano pravilo o nužnosti odvajanja poslovnog i privatnog gotovo da se i ne primenjuje u praksi. Međutim, potreba da se
The unwritten rule about the necessity of separating work and private life is rarely applied in practice. However, the need
“In life, it’s enough to be smart just twice: when choosing a profession and a spouse. If you miss both
„U životu je dovoljno biti pametan samo dva puta: kada birate zanimanje i bračnog druga. Ko oba puta promaši,
“There is no one indispensable.” Indeed, it can be done, but the outcome is quite different. Knowledge and information can
„Koga nema, bez njega se može.“ Može se, naravno, ali je rezultat mnogo drugačiji. Saznanje, informacija se može saopštiti, ali
Negativnosti su sastavni deo naših života, toliko smo se srodili sa njima da ih često doživljavamo kao krajnje normalnu i
Negativity is an integral part of our lives; we are so accustomed to it that we often perceive it as
“A good mood is created by good deeds if you make others happy without expecting anything in return.” We are
“Dobro raspoloženje se kreira dobrim delima, kada usrećujete druge bez ikakvih očekivanja zauzvrat.” Svi se rađamo sami i umiremo
FREUD: Before you think you’re DEPRESSED, check if you’re surrounded by IDIOTS! I’m particularly sensitive to those who spread negative
FROJD: Pre nego što pomislite da ste DEPRESIVNI, proverite da li ste okruženi IDIOTIMA! Posebno sam osetljiva na one koji
Today’s managers readily embrace new trends in breaking off connections and relationships. Ghosting is a term for a type of
Današnji menadžeri vrlo lako i rado prihvataju nove trendove u prekidanju veza i odnosa. Ghosting je termin za oblik ponašanja
Find me one person who has never lied about anything… Don’t bother, because – such a person doesn’t exist. We
Pronađite mi jednu osobu koja nikada ni o čemu nije slagala… Ne trudite se, jer – ne postoji. Svi lažemo,
First and foremost, a leader should be a human. Everything else can be learned with goodwill, desire, work, and effort.
Lider treba/mora, pre svega, da bude čovek. Sve ostalo će, uz dobru volju i želju, rad i trud, naučiti. Ako
I recently heard a saying: “When you have one worker too many, you have two workers too few.” There is
Nedavno sam čula izreku: „Kada imaš jednog radnika više, imaš dvoje manje.“ Mnogo je istine u njoj, jer – osobi
Mnoge kompanije veliki akcenat daju inovacijama. Od lidera se naročito očekuje da budu inovatori kako u tehničkim znanjima (unapređenju procesa,
Many companies place a great emphasis on innovation. Leaders are especially expected to be innovators, both in technical knowledge (improving
I am an advocate and persistent supporter of an official, transparent, and honest business model always and everywhere, without exceptions.
Pristalica sam i uporni zagovarač zvaničnog, transparentnog i poštenog poslovnog modela uvek i svuda, bez izuzetaka. Reći ćete, verovatno, da
Dajete sve od sebe da budete najbolji što možete, radite i više od onoga što je u opisu vašeg radnog
You give your best to be the best you can be, working beyond your job description, and always available when
To even start thinking about climbing the ladder of success and advancement in a corporation, you logically need to provide
Da biste uopšte razmišljali o lestvici uspeha i napredovanja u korporaciji, morate, logično, pružiti vrednosti koje opis vašeg radnog mesta
HR message to students I was inspired by a conversation earlier. Namely, I have been engaged continuously for five years
HR poruka studentima… Podstaknuta sam razgovorom od malo pre. Naime, angažovana sam već pet godina u kontinuitetu u jednom izuzetno
“It will be difficult for two people who think differently to agree. Two people who think will easily agree.” Meša
„Teško će se sporazumeti dva čovjeka kojа misle različito. Lako će se sporazumeti dva čovjeka koji misle.“ Meša Selimović Načini
When I was a full-time student at the University, I started working three (yes, 3) jobs. I was working at
Sećate se sigurno kako smo kao deca zamišljali šta ćemo biti kad porastemo. Učitelj, doktor, pilot, policajac, vatrogasac… U svojoj
You surely remember how, as children, we imagined what we would be when we grew up. Teacher, doctor, pilot, police
Otkako se ozloglašeni virus uselio među nas, svima su nam se životi promenili. Ništa više nije isto. Možda se ova
I believe that “man is the maker of his happiness.” Many factors help or hinder you in this endeavor, but
Verujem da je „čovek sam kovač svoje sreće“. Mnogo je faktora koji vam pomažu ili odmažu u tom poslu, ali
„Čoveče, spoznaj samog sebe.“ Ne zvuči komplikovano, a u stvari jeste – ovo je možda nešto najteže što bi trebalo
“Man, know yourself.” It doesn’t sound complicated, but it is – this might be one of the hardest things to
“Our glory is not never to fall, but to get up when we fall.” Izgleda da je čitav život satkan
“Our glory is not never to fall, but to get up when we fall.” It seems that life is woven
We make decisions every day, sometimes even without being aware of it, as they blend into a routine. No matter
Ako ste zaposleni, to (valjda) znači da imate platu koja će vam priuštiti ono što možete kupiti novcem. A u
If you’re employed, it (supposedly) means you have a salary that will afford you what you can buy with money.
Style reflects self-respect. Attitude towards clothing speaks about how much you value yourself or whether you have a bit of
Stil odražava samopoštovanje. Odnos prema garderobi govori o tome koliko cenite sebe ili da li imate malo „gay“ gena. Svidelo
Love is the willingness to expand oneself to support one’s own and others’ development and maturity. It’s an alliance –
Ljubav je volja da sebe proširimo da bismo potpomogli sopstveni i tudji razvoj i sazrevanje. To je alijansa – udruživanje
Understanding human psychology and recognizing character is the essence of sustainable relationships. Can you read people? Can you influence them?
Poznavanje psihologije ljudi i prepoznavanje karaktera je suština održivog odnosa. Da li možete da čitate ljude? Da li možete da
My dear people, I am inspired by the interview I had today. Currently, I am looking for a person with
Dragi moji ljudi, podstaknuta sam intervjuom koji sam imala danas. Trenutno tražim osobu koja ima određeno radno iskustvo u specifičnoj
Dok sam bila redovan student na Univerzitetu, radila sam tri (da, 3) posla. Jedan posao sam obavljala u kancelariji za
Since the infamous virus moved among us, all our lives have changed. Nothing is the same anymore. Perhaps this pandemic
Svaka generacija nosi sa sobom specifične vrednosti, stavove, preferencije i načine komunikacije koji mogu uticati na njihovo ponašanje na radnom
Each generation carries specific values, attitudes, preferences, and communication styles that can influence their behavior in the workplace. Employers are
It’s never too late to start living the life you want. If, at some point, you realize you’re not fulfilled,
Agilni timovi nisu nadzorni organ, niti ad-hoc kreiran tim, već izvršioci. To su osnaženi timovi koji imaju autoritet da donose
Raspad sistema! Tu izreku često koristimo kada primetimo da stvari ne funkcionišu onako kako bi trebalo. Tada na scenu stupa
Ideja da se ljudi organizuju u timove, kako bi stvorili proizvod ili pružili uslugu, deluje prilično jednostavno. Šta se u
Crno-beli pas, rase border koli, po imenu Bingo, bio je dresiran da čuva stado koza. Slušao je gazdu sa kojim
Agile teams are not a supervisory body, nor an ad-hoc created team, but executors. These are empowered teams that have
System breakdown! We often use this saying when we notice that things are not working as they should. Then Manager
The idea of organizing people into teams to create a product or provide a service seems pretty simple. What happens
A black and white border collie dog named Bingo was trained to guard a herd of goats. He listened to
Svi se rađamo sami i umiremo sami. Život između delimo sa ljudima koji su nam dragi (ili vremenom postaju manje
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” Čovek često razmišlja unapred i očekuje neke događaje, čak i one
Posle otkaza, (uglavnom još par meseci kasnije), ljudi sa kojima ste provodili dane zajedno, povremeno se jave i pitaju kako
We enter this world alone and depart alone, sharing the interim with people who either grow dearer or less dear
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” People often anticipate future events, including those that are not beautiful
After a layoff, typically a few months later, people with whom you once spent your days occasionally call to inquire
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.