How has one virus changed the world?

Since the infamous virus moved among us, all our lives have changed. Nothing is the same anymore. Perhaps this pandemic is happening for a reason, offering humanity a chance to reassess true values… Each of us has learned something useful in isolation, no matter how difficult it has been for all of us. For example, spending more time with family may lead you to realize whether you want to divorce or renew your vows of loyalty… In cities, so-called “urban gardens” are being created – vegetables and fruits are being grown on balconies, not just decorative flowers. After quarantine and despair spent in a concrete box, people are buying weekend homes in nature. Fortunately, we had electricity, TV, and the internet; imagine for a moment how you would feel if we didn’t have those things… Returning to nature and true values ​​is what should be highlighted as a lesson learned for the future. As for companies, the hardest-hit sectors were entertainment, tourism, and hospitality. We’re returning to basic needs, not indulgence. The whole concept of corporate work will change. People are massively shifting to remote work and the digital world. There are no more business trips, no team building, no Friday gatherings with beer and sausages. Those who adapt easily will survive, while those who cannot will die out like dinosaurs. All of this, of course, does not mean that what is happening to us is welcome, nor that it should have happened, quite the opposite. I’m trying to say that even from the most negative events, we can emerge richer for a few useful and vital experiences, only if we are willing to understand and see things from a broader perspective.

Accept your life in the current environment and design it to function as best as possible, or change it. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result and progress that does not exist – is Sisyphean work, which should be avoided, and otherwise one of the definitions of madness (Einstein). Life is too short, or rather, we don’t know when or how it will end, so it’s desirable to find ourselves and our place in that life. Meaning is what gives us the strength to persevere and move forward. For someone, it’s a child, for someone, a Porsche, for someone, a trophy wife, for someone, a Michelin star – whatever makes you happy, but it’s important to find meaning and follow the guiding idea. Make a choice, and just go for it. There will be setbacks, of course, but they must not shake you and stop you – they are just obstacles in the marathon of life, which, whether you like it or not, you have to run. There will be those who will push you and give you a tailwind, but also those who will trip you up. Live surrounded by people, and they are all different, so it takes effort to deal with the differences. Accept that and continue your journey. On the road to progress, it’s important to occasionally (often) rest and do what fulfills and makes you happy. You don’t need a doctor to prescribe it to you as a prescription and dose it as therapy; you know what suits you and to what extent. You deserve to put yourself first.

Once a champion, always a champion.
