What If You Don’t Fit into the System?

The unwritten rule about the necessity of separating work and private life is rarely applied in practice. However, the need to learn something about someone is not the only motive for erasing this boundary. The fundamental reasons lie elsewhere.

A favorite habit of all corporate policies is the constant promotion of team spirit, which, in its excessiveness, often resembles the affirmation of a cult. Being part of a team translates to – don’t be different. Acceptance of diversity is allowed as long as you “move” within the template and don’t “rock the boat.” You are expected to fit into the system, while diversity is supposedly promoted. If you don’t belong to any group, you are free but lonely. That’s why people seek out a group to “belong” to at work; primarily because the company indirectly imposes this on them, and also because their nature compels them to fit into a mold, as it is the most comfortable place for them. The need to belong is embedded in a person’s being; people are social creatures and will always want to be part of some context. Corporations skillfully use this human need to fit in right from the start. However, the illusion of a team environment that cares like a family lasts only for a certain period. Over time, you become aware of all the “rules” you must follow and the “conditions” you must meet to feel that way. “As long as you’re under my roof, you’ll follow my rules.” If you don’t, the “family” will cancel you. The way it says goodbye to its former employees speaks volumes about that “family.” This should be talked about more…

However, being social doesn’t mean the same as fitting into a mold. You can be a social being and still be unique and yourself. Whether you will be depends on many factors, the most important of which are formed in childhood. Wanting to ensure their children’s future, parents often create “cartels” where they group children of the same or similar social status. They buy them only the most famous and trendy brands of clothes, equipment, mobile phones, etc., thereby creating a false impression that appearance is more important than what is inside a person. The mental framework is formed from the earliest childhood, and as you grow, you gradually begin to judge and accept people around you based on status symbols. My experience confirms that many adults are still those children who will choose friends based on appearance or clothing. A common topic of informal gatherings of people from work is – who wore what and how it looked, with the conversations accompanied by mocking comments if what’s on display doesn’t suit the audience’s taste. This type of behavior is reminiscent of school days and brings back the time when kids fought for popularity. It’s the same now, especially in the online world: the number of followers, likes, reactions, and comments shows someone’s “value.” So, everything boils down to form, and the content doesn’t even have to exist.

People are social beings and most need a company to feel safe, fulfilled, complete, happy… A person generally cannot or does not want to be alone. They join others to achieve a goal. There are many examples, but they all boil down to the fact that everyone needs help or support at some point. This creates interdependence among individuals. Every collective functions on this principle, including the corporate one. And there would be nothing wrong with that if it didn’t eventually lead to suffocation and complete loss of individuality. In the end, you as an individual cease to exist, and you might not even be aware of it, living under the illusion that you have nicely fit in.

In organizations, your “I” ceases to exist because it transitions into their “We”.

Be aware of this and choose your company wisely!
