What are the benefits of internship or volunteering?

HR message to students

I was inspired by a conversation earlier. Namely, I have been engaged continuously for five years in an extremely successful architectural firm. The Architectural Faculty insists on mandatory two-week internships. Talking to students and offering them the opportunity to intern with us, I noticed that some individuals come only because it’s a requirement imposed by the faculty. They’re satisfied with getting a stamped paper from us, realizing that they are missing out on an opportunity. It saddens me because I believe it’s an excellent chance for them to see what their future work environment looks like, the team atmosphere, work dynamics, the level of creativity and challenging projects, and communication with colleagues in their field, especially with more experienced ones.

Accepting an internship or volunteering can bring a range of benefits, both personal and professional. Here are a few important benefits I would like to highlight:

Experience gain: Internships or volunteering provide an opportunity to gain practical experience in a specific field or industry. This experience can be crucial when applying for future jobs.

Skill development: During internships or volunteering, you have the opportunity to develop various skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and project management.

Education: You can gain a mentor who will assist you in your professional development.

Career options testing: Internships or volunteering provide an opportunity to explore different career paths and determine what truly interests and motivates you. If the company has someone handling HR duties, you can always schedule a meeting to learn more about career paths.

Enhancing your resume: Participating in internships or volunteering adds value to your resume, showing potential employers that you have practical experience and engagement.

Building self-confidence: Through internships or volunteering, you can build confidence in your abilities and skills, which can be crucial for a successful career.

Employment opportunities: Many employers value the experience gained through internships or volunteering, and this can be crucial when making hiring decisions. Additionally, in our company, we have exceptional individuals who have been hired after completing their studies because they made a good impression during their internships.

Overall, I would encourage you that internships or volunteering can be extremely beneficial steps in your personal and professional development. Also, this way, you can conclude that a certain profession may not be for you and start looking for a job that will provide you with more fulfillment and purpose.

I wish you a lot of success and good opportunities on this journey 😊


Author: Katarina Stamenković HR Consultant
