
Evil People Exist, and the Problem Is That They Are Ambitious

“Give a man power, and you’ll see what he’s truly like.” Of course, this cruelty in people isn’t a product of the modern age. I’d say it has nothing to do with dates and years; it’s inside people….

We Are Human, and We Must Remain So

“A good mood is created by good deeds if you make others happy without expecting anything in return.” We are all born alone and die alone. The life in between is shared with people we care about (or…

No Pressure, No Diamonds

FREUD: Before you think you’re DEPRESSED, check if you’re surrounded by IDIOTS! I’m particularly sensitive to those who spread negative energy and kill optimism, whether consciously or unconsciously. As a child, in such situations, I would fidget and…


Hello, It’s Me – BURNOUT

When I was a full-time student at the University, I started working three (yes, 3) jobs. I was working at a graduate financial aid office answering questions related to postgraduate loans and grants; I was a front…

How has one virus changed the world?

Since the infamous virus moved among us, all our lives have changed. Nothing is the same anymore. Perhaps this pandemic is happening for a reason, offering humanity a chance to reassess true values… Each of us has learned…

Emotional or Not Emotional – That is the question!

We enter this world alone and depart alone, sharing the interim with people who either grow dearer or less dear with time. The departure of certain individuals from our lives may bring pain, while others bring relief. Each…

Birthday at the cemetery

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” People often anticipate future events, including those that are not beautiful or pleasant, such as the painful loss of a loved one. They attempt to prepare for such moments,…

How to overcome the soul sickness: Coping with Loneliness, Fear, and Hopelessness

After a layoff, typically a few months later, people with whom you once spent your days occasionally call to inquire about your well-being. These may include former colleagues and business associates, anticipating your swift return to collaboration on…

Tell us a Story of Resilience and Victory.