
When Words Cease – No Feedback Culture

Today’s managers readily embrace new trends in breaking off connections and relationships. Ghosting is a term for a type of behavior (primarily related to online communication on social networks, where with one click you can “erase” someone as…

Truth or Lie, That Is the Question?

Find me one person who has never lied about anything… Don’t bother, because – such a person doesn’t exist. We all lie, rarely or often, for various reasons, to others or to ourselves; it’s something all humans have…

Form or essence

Style reflects self-respect. Attitude towards clothing speaks about how much you value yourself or whether you have a bit of “gay” genes. Like it or not, people are visual types – especially men, and the aesthetic moment matters…

What is love?

Love is the willingness to expand oneself to support one’s own and others’ development and maturity. It’s an alliance – the joining of two individuals to achieve common goals. Love is a conscious choice and long-term, while infatuation…

How to assess a person?

Understanding human psychology and recognizing character is the essence of sustainable relationships. Can you read people? Can you influence them? Can you tolerate them and at what cost? What one should learn is to tolerate the flaws of…

Tell us a Story of Resilience and Victory.