Personal Development

What If You Don’t Fit into the System?

The unwritten rule about the necessity of separating work and private life is rarely applied in practice. However, the need to learn something about someone is not the only motive for erasing this boundary. The fundamental reasons lie…

Dream Job – Make the Right Choice

“In life, it’s enough to be smart just twice: when choosing a profession and a spouse. If you miss both times, you have to be smart your whole life.” — Duško Radović Congratulations if you’ve got a job,…

How to Move Forward After Being Laid off?

“There is no one indispensable.” Indeed, it can be done, but the outcome is quite different. Knowledge and information can be communicated, but wisdom cannot. It must be found and lived in… What happens after an unjust and…

How to Make Transition from Negative to Positive?

Negativity is an integral part of our lives; we are so accustomed to it that we often perceive it as completely normal and expected. And when it isn’t, our brain processes it as a danger and thinks about…

Managing conflicts – it just sounds simple

“It will be difficult for two people who think differently to agree. Two people who think will easily agree.” Meša Selimović How people perceive the world, filter information, process it, and derive meaning from it – they differ…

Life is what happens while you’re making other plans

You surely remember how, as children, we imagined what we would be when we grew up. Teacher, doctor, pilot, police officer, firefighter… In our imagination, we chose professions that, based on our immediate environment and stories from adults,…

Are you living your life in accordance with your true self?

I believe that “man is the maker of his happiness.” Many factors help or hinder you in this endeavor, but ultimately, you are the one who bears the entire burden, but also the entire beauty of carrying your…

Self Quest and Self Acceptance

“Man, know yourself.” It doesn’t sound complicated, but it is – this might be one of the hardest things to do in life: knowing and accepting what are and how big the possibilities are, and living following that…

And difficult roads are – ours

“Our glory is not never to fall, but to get up when we fall.” It seems that life is woven from problems to be solved. As such, it is difficult, often unbearable, but overcoming set limits and bridging…

How to make good decisions?

We make decisions every day, sometimes even without being aware of it, as they blend into a routine. No matter how small and seemingly insignificant they may be, they are important because, indirectly, they influence other, bigger decisions…

Why is financial management an important skill?

If you’re employed, it (supposedly) means you have a salary that will afford you what you can buy with money. And when it comes to money, you always need to have a plan, realistic, objective, consistent, and regularly…

Be the change you want to see

It’s never too late to start living the life you want. If, at some point, you realize you’re not fulfilled, happy, and satisfied, listen to your inner feelings. They will guide you on how you truly feel and…

Tell us a Story of Resilience and Victory.