Managing conflicts – it just sounds simple
“It will be difficult for two people who think differently to agree. Two people who think will easily agree.” Meša
“It will be difficult for two people who think differently to agree. Two people who think will easily agree.” Meša
„Teško će se sporazumeti dva čovjeka kojа misle različito. Lako će se sporazumeti dva čovjeka koji misle.“ Meša Selimović Načini
When I was a full-time student at the University, I started working three (yes, 3) jobs. I was working at
Sećate se sigurno kako smo kao deca zamišljali šta ćemo biti kad porastemo. Učitelj, doktor, pilot, policajac, vatrogasac… U svojoj
You surely remember how, as children, we imagined what we would be when we grew up. Teacher, doctor, pilot, police
Otkako se ozloglašeni virus uselio među nas, svima su nam se životi promenili. Ništa više nije isto. Možda se ova
I believe that “man is the maker of his happiness.” Many factors help or hinder you in this endeavor, but
Verujem da je „čovek sam kovač svoje sreće“. Mnogo je faktora koji vam pomažu ili odmažu u tom poslu, ali
„Čoveče, spoznaj samog sebe.“ Ne zvuči komplikovano, a u stvari jeste – ovo je možda nešto najteže što bi trebalo
“Man, know yourself.” It doesn’t sound complicated, but it is – this might be one of the hardest things to
“Our glory is not never to fall, but to get up when we fall.” Izgleda da je čitav život satkan
“Our glory is not never to fall, but to get up when we fall.” It seems that life is woven
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