English Stories

Tips to Make Life Easier and Happier!

“Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing, because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.” W. Clement Stone The moment you…

Evil People Exist, and the Problem Is That They Are Ambitious

“Give a man power, and you’ll see what he’s truly like.” Of course, this cruelty in people isn’t a product of the modern age. I’d say it has nothing to do with dates and years; it’s inside people….

What Does an Entrepreneur Need to Know?

If you’ve decided to venture into entrepreneurship, I have some useful advice for you (since I’ve also completed an entrepreneurship course – one is always learning). I read a piece of advice for startups somewhere: Tell your customers…

What If You Don’t Fit into the System?

The unwritten rule about the necessity of separating work and private life is rarely applied in practice. However, the need to learn something about someone is not the only motive for erasing this boundary. The fundamental reasons lie…

Dream Job – Make the Right Choice

“In life, it’s enough to be smart just twice: when choosing a profession and a spouse. If you miss both times, you have to be smart your whole life.” — Duško Radović Congratulations if you’ve got a job,…

How to Move Forward After Being Laid off?

“There is no one indispensable.” Indeed, it can be done, but the outcome is quite different. Knowledge and information can be communicated, but wisdom cannot. It must be found and lived in… What happens after an unjust and…

How to Make Transition from Negative to Positive?

Negativity is an integral part of our lives; we are so accustomed to it that we often perceive it as completely normal and expected. And when it isn’t, our brain processes it as a danger and thinks about…

We Are Human, and We Must Remain So

“A good mood is created by good deeds if you make others happy without expecting anything in return.” We are all born alone and die alone. The life in between is shared with people we care about (or…

No Pressure, No Diamonds

FREUD: Before you think you’re DEPRESSED, check if you’re surrounded by IDIOTS! I’m particularly sensitive to those who spread negative energy and kill optimism, whether consciously or unconsciously. As a child, in such situations, I would fidget and…

When Words Cease – No Feedback Culture

Today’s managers readily embrace new trends in breaking off connections and relationships. Ghosting is a term for a type of behavior (primarily related to online communication on social networks, where with one click you can “erase” someone as…

Truth or Lie, That Is the Question?

Find me one person who has never lied about anything… Don’t bother, because – such a person doesn’t exist. We all lie, rarely or often, for various reasons, to others or to ourselves; it’s something all humans have…

What Kind of Leader Should One Be?

First and foremost, a leader should be a human. Everything else can be learned with goodwill, desire, work, and effort. If a leader leads people, they must see them as humans first, and the direction of leadership should…

Actions speak louder than words

I recently heard a saying: “When you have one worker too many, you have two workers too few.” There is a lot of truth in this because an idle person always needs company for chatting and taking breaks….

What does Innovation mean today?

Many companies place a great emphasis on innovation. Leaders are especially expected to be innovators, both in technical knowledge (improving processes, and products…) and in social “soft” skills (developing organization and relationships among colleagues…). But this is not…

Are Managers Perishable Goods?

I am an advocate and persistent supporter of an official, transparent, and honest business model always and everywhere, without exceptions. You might say that this is impossible in the business world and that business inherently involves stepping out…

Corporate Gossip Power

You give your best to be the best you can be, working beyond your job description, and always available when your help is needed. You are aware of your high level of intelligence and abilities, yet you continue…

The Truth About Career Advancement

To even start thinking about climbing the ladder of success and advancement in a corporation, you logically need to provide the values required (or not required) by your job description and meet the criteria set by the manager….

What are the benefits of internship or volunteering?

HR message to students I was inspired by a conversation earlier. Namely, I have been engaged continuously for five years in an extremely successful architectural firm. The Architectural Faculty insists on mandatory two-week internships. Talking to students and…

Managing conflicts – it just sounds simple

“It will be difficult for two people who think differently to agree. Two people who think will easily agree.” Meša Selimović How people perceive the world, filter information, process it, and derive meaning from it – they differ…


Hello, It’s Me – BURNOUT

When I was a full-time student at the University, I started working three (yes, 3) jobs. I was working at a graduate financial aid office answering questions related to postgraduate loans and grants; I was a front…

Life is what happens while you’re making other plans

You surely remember how, as children, we imagined what we would be when we grew up. Teacher, doctor, pilot, police officer, firefighter… In our imagination, we chose professions that, based on our immediate environment and stories from adults,…

Are you living your life in accordance with your true self?

I believe that “man is the maker of his happiness.” Many factors help or hinder you in this endeavor, but ultimately, you are the one who bears the entire burden, but also the entire beauty of carrying your…

Self Quest and Self Acceptance

“Man, know yourself.” It doesn’t sound complicated, but it is – this might be one of the hardest things to do in life: knowing and accepting what are and how big the possibilities are, and living following that…

And difficult roads are – ours

“Our glory is not never to fall, but to get up when we fall.” It seems that life is woven from problems to be solved. As such, it is difficult, often unbearable, but overcoming set limits and bridging…

How to make good decisions?

We make decisions every day, sometimes even without being aware of it, as they blend into a routine. No matter how small and seemingly insignificant they may be, they are important because, indirectly, they influence other, bigger decisions…

Why is financial management an important skill?

If you’re employed, it (supposedly) means you have a salary that will afford you what you can buy with money. And when it comes to money, you always need to have a plan, realistic, objective, consistent, and regularly…

Form or essence

Style reflects self-respect. Attitude towards clothing speaks about how much you value yourself or whether you have a bit of “gay” genes. Like it or not, people are visual types – especially men, and the aesthetic moment matters…

What is love?

Love is the willingness to expand oneself to support one’s own and others’ development and maturity. It’s an alliance – the joining of two individuals to achieve common goals. Love is a conscious choice and long-term, while infatuation…

How to assess a person?

Understanding human psychology and recognizing character is the essence of sustainable relationships. Can you read people? Can you influence them? Can you tolerate them and at what cost? What one should learn is to tolerate the flaws of…

Finding Professional Fulfillment: The Power of Pursuing Your Passion in Work

My dear people, I am inspired by the interview I had today. Currently, I am looking for a person with specific work experience in a particular industry. The job is very demanding and responsible. I met a person…

How has one virus changed the world?

Since the infamous virus moved among us, all our lives have changed. Nothing is the same anymore. Perhaps this pandemic is happening for a reason, offering humanity a chance to reassess true values… Each of us has learned…

How Individual Approach to Employees Transforms Satisfaction, Health, Productivity, and Overall Well-being?

Each generation carries specific values, attitudes, preferences, and communication styles that can influence their behavior in the workplace. Employers are increasingly striving to understand these differences and adapt their human resource management practices to meet the needs and…

Be the change you want to see

It’s never too late to start living the life you want. If, at some point, you realize you’re not fulfilled, happy, and satisfied, listen to your inner feelings. They will guide you on how you truly feel and…

Decoding Corporate Challenges: Training, Team Building, and the Work-Life Balance Dilemma

Modern trends in the business world impose a “rule” that every serious company, aiming to maintain its reputation and ensure future success, must provide employees with opportunities for additional development. There is nothing wrong with that; on the…

Injecting Logic into Meetings: A Blueprint for Effective Collaboration

I don’t like long and pointless business meetings. In fact, I believe hardly anyone likes them, except for those who see them as a stage for demonstrating power, addressing personal complexes, or as the only place where they…

Successful results and satisfied employees? It is possible too!

Agile teams are not a supervisory body, nor an ad-hoc created team, but executors. These are empowered teams that have the authority to make decisions…. Members of agile teams gain a sense of purpose and belonging and are…

Management adapted to the complex environment

System breakdown! We often use this saying when we notice that things are not working as they should. Then Manager 3.0 enters the scene, which “manages the system, not the people”. Everything flows, everything changes, and so does…

The truth about dysfunctional teams

The idea of organizing people into teams to create a product or provide a service seems pretty simple. What happens in practice that makes the implementation of this idea complicated? I always get a burst of enthusiasm and…

Why employees change jobs and employers and what is the solution?

A black and white border collie dog named Bingo was trained to guard a herd of goats. He listened to the boss with whom he spent a month working and socializing. They got along well and Bingo did…

How to Progress Without Knowledge and Morals: The Art of Being a Fake Manager

To climb the corporate ladder, it is crucial to navigate and thrive in corporate politics. If you choose this path, I have several pieces of advice for a secure success. Formal education is not decisive, and neither are…

Manipulators in Action: Fake It Until You Make It – Their Favorite Show

Knowledge is the most potent weapon in life’s struggles, even within the workplace. Those lacking it often resort to available alternatives, relying on some form of manipulation to obscure their deficiency in essential skills and knowledge. While not…

The Emotional Dimension of Layoffs

The constitutional right is the right to work. It is also a human, personal right. Unemployment is destructive to dignity and self-esteem. The problems that arise on a personal level don’t stay isolated; rather, they permeate into the…

Emotional or Not Emotional – That is the question!

We enter this world alone and depart alone, sharing the interim with people who either grow dearer or less dear with time. The departure of certain individuals from our lives may bring pain, while others bring relief. Each…

Birthday at the cemetery

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” People often anticipate future events, including those that are not beautiful or pleasant, such as the painful loss of a loved one. They attempt to prepare for such moments,…

How to overcome the soul sickness: Coping with Loneliness, Fear, and Hopelessness

After a layoff, typically a few months later, people with whom you once spent your days occasionally call to inquire about your well-being. These may include former colleagues and business associates, anticipating your swift return to collaboration on…